Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Matt's back Blogging

Hi All I'm back on the blog. This is a learning curve for me and hopefully for anyone interested in water bores in Perth.

The purpose of this blog is to record some FAQ's in relation to bores and bore repairs.

Hopefully it will increase you knowledge base so if you decide to buy a water bore or need to repair a water bore you will be more informed too what to ask your installer.

Water bores are expensive to install (average water bore in Perth is about $3,500 to $4,500) so I believe that you are much better to look for better value for money than the best price.

Often the cheapest initial price is not the best value for money. If your bore was to break down then the average cost of repair is $1,500 to $2,000. I have found that the cheaper bores last between 2-7 years and the better quality last between 15 and 25 years.

To give you an example imagine buying a $3,500 water bore with a cheap pump and a 1 year warranty and finding you have to spend $1500 to change the pump in a couple of years. Then imagine if you replace the pump with the same brand and have to replace it again in another few years. We see this scenario often. Our advice is always to buy a pump with a 3 year warranty at least and a bore with a 10 year warranty at least.

Regards Matt Ferguson I have installed over 7000 water bores in perth and they are all running today.